Here's Why you need to provide heart worm prevention to your Dog AND Cat:
Mosquitoes transmit heart worm disease, which affects both dogs and cats. Mosquitoes can be seen at various times all year long. Even slightly above freezing temperatures will cause otherwise dormant mosquito eggs and pupae to hatch and become active. So even if your pet is an indoor only pet, it just takes one mosquito to infect them.
When a mosquito bites an animal, the larva is deposited on the skin, and from there makes a journey to the bloodstream, which takes 30 days, eventually taking it to the heart, where it will mature to an adult heart worm. This is the reason that heart worm preventatives can be given once per month…they kill the immature heart worm that is migrating through the skin. But, once the larva reaches the bloodstream, the preventative is ineffective. Therefore, it is very important to give the heart worm medication on a strict monthly schedule. |