Tank (on the left) with his new buddy and his Furever Mom at Lost Maples Park!
My newest rescue girl "Shadow" enjoying her new home with us! She is a doll and we all adore her! She needs to lose a little weight, but that is her New Year resolution!
Cleo was a stray, very emaciated, almost all of his teeth were gone. Through networking with the WARM (Worthwhile Animal Rescue Mission) non profit, he found his loving home.
Merry Christmas everyone! We re-named Pumpkin, her name is now Ginger. Our family just loves her, she is super sweet and we give her a lot of love. Ginger has been a wonderful addition to our family. Thanks again Cici. Happy New Year! Tisha
Sally has found her forever home! She's sleeping with her new pal on her new bed!
Lady, but her real name is Foxy, went for another walk and went right up to her home waiting to be let in so she could feed her EIGHT puppies! The owners didn't know she was pregnant and thought she was fat so they put her on a diet which is why she was so emaciated.
Boomer and Splash are a fine example of 365 Pet Connection at work. One of our members received a phone call from a friend who knew that foster puppies were often on site at their home. She was inquiring for her granddaughter who was visiting for Thanksgiving. We knew there were puppies at the local shelter and suggested she take the family for a visit. In the meantime, one of our other members was at that shelter checking on another animal when she came across the kennel of puppies and emailed pictures. Member number one got on the phone immediately to the friend, telling her of the beautiful puppies. he family visited the shelter and ended up adopting, not only one, but two puppies…Boomer and Splash. We love happy endings.
BENJI While at a regular stop at the shelter on a mission to save two German Shepherds, we passed by this boy's kennel and decided he simply had to go with us. In no time at all, he was on his way to Dallas to his new home where he is being spoiled rotten. Yea, Benji!